We all use social media, and just like retail consumers, crypto enthusiasts get the majority of their information from social media channels, so you are essentially required to know your socials and stay in touch with your community.


Twitter is a news and social networking app. Twitter is a de-facto ruling social platform of the crypto industry and has been one of the most popular places for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to share their opinions and check out the latest trends.

Twitter statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 Twitter got over 400 million users worldwide.
  • Over 200 million users access Twitter daily. 75% of them are not based in the US.
  • 9% of worldwide social media users access Twitter.
  • Worldwide 64% of Twitter users are male, while only 36% are female. However, in the US, 54% of Twitter users are male, and 46% are female.
  • Twitter is most popular among users aged 25-34. Roughly 80% of Twitter users are millennials.
  • 92% of tweets come from the top 10% of influential users in the US. The US Twitter is an influencer playground, and if you want to get somewhere there, you’ve got to reach out through the influencers.
  • On average, Twitter users in the US spend about 6 minutes a day and 2.5 hours per month on the app. This proves that Twitter works to save precious time with short updates, unlike many other socials.
  • 80% of Twitter users access the platform on a mobile device. Yes, you have to be thinking mobile-first in 2022, big surprise.
  • Twitter is considered the number one social media platform in Japan after the US at over 51 million users.

Twitter is one of the most important social media platforms in the blockchain space, and you should focus significant attention on it when highlighting a crypto project. As a bonus, you can enjoy crypto memes from Elon Musk and Paris Hilton.


Telegram is the second de-facto ruling social app in the crypto industry. It’s a messaging application focusing on speed and security, featuring user groups, channels, and encrypted private chats. Many blockchain companies communicate with their audience on Telegram in global public chat and news channels.

Telegram statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 Telegram has over 600 million users worldwide.
  • Telegram is the 10th most popular social media application worldwide.
  • Telegram has about 56 million daily active users.
  • The app showed a tremendous user base increase of 175% since 2018, which stabilized at about a 10% increase over 6 months in 2021.
  • The average Telegram user spends 2.9 hours on the app each month. Telegram follows the Twitter trend of short updates that save time and is a valued app in business circles.
  • Telegram’s user base is 41.4% female users and 58.6% male users.
  • Telegram is overshadowed by Twitter in the US, with the US audience representing less than 2% of Telegram’s user base.
  • The Telegram app is available for download in 155 out of 195 countries.

Besides company-managed channels, Telegram features many public crypto-focused groups. Here’s an example of active crypto Telegram groups with over 1 million users:

  • @Crypto_Binance_Trading – 2.7m users
  • @Bitcoin_News_Crypto – 2.4m users
  • @Big_Pumps_Signals – 1.8m users
  • @Crypto_Bitcoin_Pump – 1.8m users
  • @Crypto_Trading_Pumps – 1.8m users
  • @Bitcoin_trading_crypto_signals – 1.5m users
  • @Trading_crypto_signals_Bitcoin – 1.4m users
  • @airdropinspector – 1.3m users
  • @Binance_Trading_Crypto_Pumps – 1.3m users
  • @airdropo – 1.3m users
  • @bitcoin_Binance_crypto_News – 1.2m users
  • @CryptoWorldMichelle – 1.2m users
  • @AirdropDetective – 1.2m users
  • @crypto_bitcoin_pumps_binance – 1.2m users


LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking platform. When it comes to reaching a pinpoint audience in the business world, whether venture capital investors, decision-makers, crypto companies, or DeFi industry experts, LinkedIn is the place to go.

LinkedIn statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 LinkedIn got over 700 million users worldwide.
  • Almost 45% of members are also monthly active (MAU).
  • Over 100 million users interact with the platform every day.
  • There are over 61 million high-level influencers and decision-makers.
  • LinkedIn is the most widely used social media platform in the Fortune 500.
  • Of the approximately 2 billion millennials worldwide, over 90 million are on LinkedIn.
  • Only 57% of LinkedIn users come to the platform from their smartphones. Still, consider focusing your marketing strategy on mobile users because mobile sharing increases steadily.
  • LinkedIn profiles with a photo get 21x more visitors and 36x more messages. Go to your LinkedIn account settings, and change your profile photo privacy to be shown to anyone and not just your contracts. You can thank me later.
  • Roughly 57% of worldwide LinkedIn users are male, and 43% are female.

LinkedIn is rich with analytical data and outreach mechanics. Any self-respecting crypto business, its management, and employees should be represented on LinkedIn to increase the trust level in your project.


Facebook is a social networking app that connects people. No matter how many new flashy social apps come around, Facebook is still the number one community for potential consumers. It also has some of the largest group communities, and you need to be a part of those groups to maximize your reach potential.

Facebook statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 Facebook got over 2.91 billion users worldwide.
  • Facebook’s monthly active users equal 37% of all the people on planet Earth today. To put that into perspective, the current number of Facebook users is larger than the entire population of China and India combined.
  • Over 1.93 billion people use Facebook every day (DAU).
  • Share of Facebook’s monthly active users who log in each day: 66% (October 2021)(a)
  • Facebook’s global advertising audience size is 2.276 billion
  • On average, people spend 1 hour per day on Facebook.

While Facebook is not as business-oriented as LinkedIn, many people add their workplace to the profile, making industry targeting and fishing for relevant crypto audiences quite efficient.


Instagram is a visual photo and video sharing app that connects people. Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform ever. It offers very graphic content, which is an excellent way to showcase your updates and add a bit of personality to your brand and company.

Instagram statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 Instagram got over 1.075 billion users worldwide.
  • 71% of Instagram users are millennials under the age of 35.
  • The average post on Instagram contains 10 hashtags to reach their audiences.
  • On average, people spend 1 hour per day on Instagram.
  • 70% of businesses in the US are using Instagram to reach their communities.
  • The amount of sponsored content by Instagram influencers under the #ad hashtag is growing exponentially.
  • Over 500 million Instagram accounts publish stories every day, roughly ⅓ of those coming from business accounts.
  • 50% of Instagram users follow at least 1 business or brand.
  • On average, Instagram content generates 4x more interactions from users than Facebook content.
  • Instagram helps over 80% of users to decide whether to buy a product or service.

The crypto industry is currently under-represented on Instagram, approximately 10x less when compared to Twitter. I believe that’s because most crypto companies don’t know how to approach it. Keep your Instagram posts engaging and your stories fresh with exciting content, and you will expand into the community.

Keep in mind that Instagram stories are pretty short at 15 seconds. Still, you can upload videos to IGTV for upwards of 15 minutes on mobile and up to an hour-long using the website, which is more than enough to showcase an important update or highlight an event.


YouTube is a public video-sharing service. When Google acquired Youtube back in 2006, they called it “the next step in the evolution of the Internet.” And they’ve made the right bet, since in 2022 YouTube is the second most popular platform to consume content for millennials, right after Netflix.

YouTube statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 YouTube got over 2.3 billion users worldwide.
  • YouTube boasts about 122 million daily active users enjoying 38 million active channels.
  • 80% of Internet users have a YouTube account, spending 18 minutes a day on YouTube on average.
  • YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world after Google. That highlights modern tendencies towards visual guidance content.
  • 56% of YouTube users are male, and 44% are female.
  • YouTube is localized in over 100 countries and is available in over 80 languages.
  • 62% of businesses worldwide use YouTube to post video content.
  • YouTube users watch over 1 billion hours of videos per day, 70% of which are on mobile devices.
  • 90% of people discover new brands and products on YouTube.
  • 90% of the USA digital video consumers use YouTube.

YouTube videos tend to be educational and informative in the digital asset industry, containing lots of reviews, interviews, and video podcasts. You can also showcase company updates while educating your community.


Pinterest is a visual discovery platform for creative ideas. Whenever you Google image content, the chances are high that you’ll see a Pinterest post in the search results. It’s one of the most connected platforms out there, and you will see Pinterest pins almost everywhere.

Pinterest statistics you should know in 2022:

  • In 2022 Pinterest got over 478 million users worldwide.
  • 60% of Pinterest users are female. Ladies love their visuals.
  • 97% of Pinterest searches are unbranded.
  • Design, fashion, and home decor inspiration is the top reason people use Pinterest.
  • 77% of Pinterest users weekly discover a new brand or product.
  • Over 2 billion text and guided searches are done on Pinterest every month.
  • Over 50% of Pinterest users are outside the US.
  • 80% of Pinterest users have decided to buy a product or service based on their brands’ content on Pinterest.

Until the arrival of NFTs, Pinterest was vastly under-represented in crypto marketing. The platform is even more visual than Instagram, heavily biased toward creators and designers. Now, with the NFT hype in full swing, Pinterest looks more and more, well, Pinteresting to aspiring crypto marketers looking to extend their reach.


I hope you got a better overview and understanding of what are the most trending social crypto channels out there and how you can leverage them in your crypto marketing efforts.

Thank you for reading! Make sure to subscribe for more stories delving deeper into the intricacies of modern crypto marketing.

Up next is discussing the blogging, Q&A platforms, and forums in Crypto Marketing Guide 2022 - Part IV!